Challenger 2020 Division V round 2 - 2 cores only

Welcome to the Road to Pro Challenger Divisions 2020 - In this series you can compete with overclockers from around the globe who use the same hardware. This season features three rounds each with four different stages. Good luck!

Accumulate the most points in the different stages of the season rounds and become the Division Champion. In Challenger Division I round 1 the processor choice is limited to Core i7 series (non-HEDT). The graphics card choice is limited to single GPU graphics cards (excl Titan). You can find more information about restrictions on the competition stage pages.

04.10.2020 12:00 +0000
06.15.2020 12:00 +0000


  • This competition is closed. You can no longer join
  • Challenger 2020 Division V round 2 - 2 cores only is closed since 15 June 2020
  • This competition is between members



Rank Participant 3DMark - Sky Diver 3DMark05 3DMark2001 SE
1 48 pts 40 pts 48 pts 136 pts
2 46 pts 42 pts 46 pts 134 pts
3 40 pts 46 pts 44 pts 130 pts
4 50 pts 38 pts 36 pts 124 pts
5 44 pts 34 pts 42 pts 120 pts
6 36 pts 44 pts 40 pts 120 pts
7 34 pts 50 pts 34 pts 118 pts
8 42 pts 32 pts 38 pts 112 pts
9 32 pts 36 pts 32 pts 100 pts
10 38 pts 28 pts 20 pts 86 pts

Awarded Season Points

First Position

136 pts Bullshooter


April 14, 2020 at 6:00:11 AM UTC

single gpu, right?

April 14, 2020 at 6:37:13 AM UTC

yes sir

April 19, 2020 at 9:59:59 AM UTC

I see a lot of subs with HWinfo running, but not showing the info me and the rest of the moderators require

You can adjust the looks of HWinfo by either pressing the configuration cogwheel tab or by a right mouse click (on the opened HWInfo) and selecting the layout settings

This will after hiding a lot of  HWBot invaluable information (in my case up to 227 settings hidden) result in a smaller HWInfo window




April 19, 2020 at 1:06:32 PM UTC

? the rules does not specify which fields must be included Max clock/cache speed of 3803Mhz monitored by HWinfo32/64 readout (running in the background during the run) did i miss anything in my subs?

April 19, 2020 at 4:31:55 PM UTC

I have user complaining that HWinfo takes out one 3rd of their screen. Others fail to show me the CPU clocks and temps and show me anything from motherboard sensors to all the voltage rails.

Showiwng you can tune what Hwinfo reads out , hence why the post. Not deliberately related to this Division, but more a heads-up for everybody. Thats why I spammed it all over the Challengers

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